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Where to find a replacement microwave that is not too huge for the existing space?

by Debbie
(Austin, TX)

Hello fellow houseboat friends!

We are replacing appliances in our 1999 Somerset and have run into a snag:

We bought a new microwave but it sticks out 4 inches from the cabinet front!! (cabinets are 12" deep) It makes the space look very top heavy. I thought it'd be easy to find a shallow (less deep) microwave, but alas! none to be found.

Has anybody had this happen? How did you resolve the problem?

We are considering just putting in a vent hood-again, the depth will still be a problem-and then filling in the backsplash up to the hood and then just putting the microwave on the counter, but we don't like these options at all!!

Help!!! ....and thanks in advance for your input.

Kenneth and Debbie

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