Sweet Houseboat Memories - a funny, but true houseboat love story!
by Danny
(Jackson, Michigan, USA)
The makings of a funny houseboat love story.
No More Pressure! My wife and I kept our small houseboat at Clark Lake, Michigan. On week-ends we would load it with food and beverages and motor off to a quiet cove and anchor.
A slow breeze brushed us and the clouds were light and puffy. Bass would leap into the air to catch a dragon fly. Often a motor boat would glide by and its ripples rocked us like babies.
The birds resting in the shore oak trees, sang to us, and butterflies flitted across the calm water.
My wife would always pressure-cook a small frying chicken; it was quick and easy and allowed her to make many different recipes.
As I sit here now, staring at it in the kitchen of my small apartment, the memory of it hissing and its little top rocking, I think of the time the top blew off and the chicken went up like a rocket splattering the vent over our small stove.
I think of how startled she was as she stumbled onto the deck with tears in her eyes. Soggy chicken skin clung to her apron, her hair was sticking straight up and her eye glasses lay crooked across her nose.
"Honey," she said, "I'm sorry...I have ruined our meal! I thought for sure the lid was tightened."
I consoled her by saying, "Dear, just never mind...we can always get another chicken, but I can never find a wife like you."
As the sun was beginning to set, we sat on the bench and put our arms around each other. We did not speak...we just felt each others' presence.
This was years ago, and now here I sit staring at an old pressure-cooker with tears in my eyes. She is gone from me now.
And outside my window I can see a young couple struggling to put their small row boat on top of their car...I hear them laughing...I can see two cane poles.
How I wish I could bring back all those wonderful days her and I spent on our little houseboat.
There was no pressure in
our lives on those weekends...just the two of us, holding each other and my telling her we can always get another chicken.
Spend some time today telling your wife you love her and always forgive her the mistakes we all have in our lives.
This is what true friendship is...accepting our friends with their good and their bad.
Danny from Jackson, Michigan
Reply - AnswerWell Danny, this has been one of the best funny houseboat love stories that I have read in a longtime.
I personally want to thank you for sharing such a touching story of the fun and memories that you and your wife had shared on your houseboat together.
I am sorry to hear of the loss of your wife, as I can see you have many fond houseboating memories together.
I am sure that your story will inspire many other houseboaters to say to their spouses that they love them, and are happy that they can share life's moments together.
It may even inspire some of the story tellers in our houseboat community, to share their own romantic or funny stories with us here.
I am sure that everyone here has a great story in them, it just takes the motivation, and the
right moment to bring it out and share it here.Again, thank you for sharing a truly lovely touching story.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their own funny or true houseboat love stories. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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