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Hi, My name is Jeff Kennon. I grew up in Greensboro N.C. and I now live in Raleigh. Somehere in the 70's my father worked for Strandberg Engineering. The owner, Charlie Strandberg built a 45 foot house boat at his business location, 1001 South Elm street. I checked and can find nothing about the old boat.

The boat was shipped over to Lake Norman in NC and stayed there for a number of years while employees used the boat. I feel in love with that old girl. Fast forward to the 80's, my family had moved, and the boat was sold to a former CEO of Carolina steel. The only information I can get in somewhere in the 80's the boat was sold and moved to the Missippii river.

I don't have a registration number. I talked to NC wildlife and they need a number to track it. I haven't been able to locate relatives of anyone that used to own the boat.

Any of ideas of finding out what happened to this old boat?

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