Houseboats are my ultimate heaven - What do you love about your boat?
by Jemy
(Olivebranch, Ms.)
Houseboats on Greers Ferry Lake, Heber Springs, Arkansas
Houseboats are my ultimate heaven, what do you love about your house boat? First, let me begin by saying thank you for the opportunity to express myself to fellow houseboaters.
Houseboating to me is more than an adventure, it is a passion. I own one, and she's a 45 foot Stardust Cruiser and she's a beauty. I've had her for nearly three years and she's the apple of my eye.
I don't live aboard her, and she is one hundred and sixty miles away from me. I think about her all the time. I try to spend every available weekend I can aboard her beautiful steel structure.
Whether were parked at the dock all weekend, or out on the lake, I'm in ultimate heaven. There's no better feeling in the world than to wake up and walk to your front porch and see God at his best with all the naturistic views.
Houseboating to me is the ultimate extention of what all of us are looking for in a hobby or pleasure if you will.
I'm so sold on it I'm considering starting to manufacture an affordable line of houseboats. Making it possible for as many people possible to share the passion.
Thank you again, all about houseboats, for the opportunity to share my thoughts on houseboating.
Greers Ferry Lake, Heber Springs, Arkansas
Reply - AnswerWell Jemy, thank you for sharing your moving thoughts about what houseboating means to you. My wife and I can definitely relate to what you say and feel. If you notice our "
first line of text" on our home page, it says,
Do you love houseboats? We sure do!I also have always been amazed at the utter beauty of watching the morning sun rising and warming the earth, and the peacefulness that happens as the sunsets over the horizon.
I'm sure that there are many other houseboaters that feel the same way, yet it is rare that someone will take the time to express what houseboating really means to them.
In closing, I am pleased and honored that you shared your personal thoughts and feelings on what houseboating means to you. I am sure you have inspired others to do the same.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about what they love about their houseboats? Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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