Houseboat Living - Any people live on house boats on Montana?
by Tim
(Kalispel, Montana)
Any houseboat living on lakes in Montana?
Is there any houseboat living, or people who live on house boats in Montana or nearby? I'm looking for information on house boat living year round preferably on Flathead Lake, Montana.
My questions are, is it possible, and is it legal? I know it is bitter cold, but I need or want to be near my family and on water. I am a stage IV cancer patient, and am trying to enjoy all that I possibly can.
Thanks for any and all information, Tim from Montana
Reply - AnswerWell Tim, sorry to hear about your stage IV cancer, but welcome to the community, and congratulations on your decision to live on a houseboat.
At the present moment, I don't have any answers to give you on whether it's legal in the state of Montana, yet I do know that everything is possible.
Considering the cold climate, it won't be easy, yet with the proper plan, house boat living is definitely do-able :)
Have a look at the following links for some more information on winter or cold climate houseboat living tips:
Winter or Cold Climate Houseboat Living TipsUpgrades and Winterize an Aluminum Kingscraft HouseboatIn closing, do let us know if you buy a houseboat and start living aboard, since I am sure many readers will love to read and see a picture.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat living experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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