Extreme Green - Solar Powered Houseboats
by Roger
(Somewhere, FL)
Wind & Solar Power options for Houseboats
Houseboat living allows you a chance to become extreme green with Solar Powered Houseboats. My houseboat has no generator, however I do have to buy fuel for the engine.
There are five solar panels providing all the electricity that I need to run the refrigerator, high def TV, stereos, lights, water pumps, computer, and "in motion" satellite system. This was a dockside boat, but after a years work it is totally independent of shore power.
I have built in a rain collector that in normal times keeps water tanks full. A Norcold dual electric fridge keeps everything cold, and the freezer keeps everything frozen and has been running over year with just an a few defrosts.
A composting toilet makes life great. I do purchase some propane for the water heater and marine stove oven. The cooling is done with fans only, and the heating is with wood burning stove, however where I am at, the stove isn't used much.
I don't spend time or money staying at marinas, I just go in to get fuel, groceries, and the rest of time I travel and "on hook" in some bay somewhere.
I've done all work myself including removal and replacement of sterndrive and engine while in water. If you would like to know how anything was done
or what I used please feel free to email me, waterman rog
Reply - AnswerWell Roger, I can totally understand your point, and I agree that houseboat living, especially out "on the hook" brings out a new perspective on "power consumption".
You may find the following article
Wind & Solar Powered Houseboats of interest to you since it discusses "green renewable energy".
Again, a big thanks for taking the time to share your experiences with us.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their Wind & Solar houseboat experiences.
Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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