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1975 gibson 42 hull

by bill
(houston texas)

I am interested in a older Gibson with no windows or motors how much would I expect to pay for something like this for a project boat

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Gibson rebuild
by: crazy rebuild

hey yall, has any one of you know of putting tunnel hulls on a houseboat with 2 250 outboards with jack plates? I live on the coast with sandbars im in the middle of remodeling any thoughts would be appreciated

Gibson 42 standerd
by: Kentucky Houseboat

Much better options out there Holiday Mansion, Carl craft. The gibsons are good rebuilds, but not my favorite. Do you plan on tailoring her

Gibson rebuild
by: The boat doctor

they should name this particular boat the raindrop because it leaks. although a nice looking vessel be prepared to use a lot of resin to dry her in, I have done 4 of these boats they all leaked from the stainless steel trim, back to your question I wouldnt pay very much, you have a large investment ahead but finished the value could be very nice

Old Gibson price
by: Bob

Nothing. If you find one in that condition, the owner should give it to you just to get it off their hands.
It is going to cost you enough to transport it & have a bottom job.

boat value
by: Anonymous

being that your not loooking for a great shape gibson im pretty sure that you can pick one up for salvage pretty cheap, or they might pay you to haul it off. as a boat modeler those windows are pricey
I would try to find one with them in it. new are better because the old are not efficiant

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